Sunday, May 6, 2012

Reading Log 7

For my last reading log I finished up And If You Play Golf, You're My Friend. This was one of the greatest sports book I've ever read. The arrangement of little short stories throughout the context of the book, made it an easy and joyful read. Each story is something new and revealing, something that can't be achieved in some large chapter books. I feel my view of the game of golf is forever changed after reading the words of Harvey Penick. Now every time I step on a course I have a new profound appreciation, for golf is "a privilege, not a sentence."

Monday, April 30, 2012

Reading Log 6

In And If You Play Golf, You're My Friend, Harvey Penick shares his extensive knowledge and infinite wisdom. Harvey's simple and down to earth views of golf portray the games majestic and mysterious qualities. The author teaches on terms that provide positive reinforcement for his patient. His life lessons cultivate and mystify the audience. Harvey nails in the idea of the responsibilities one has as a golfer. However, what separates Harvey from his peers is his never ending love for the game. His gentle love for his students is similar to the love a father deems to his son. Penick's immense passion and affection creates a sense of unconditional love for a sacred game.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Reading Log 5

After emerging myself back into Tuesdays with Morrie I find myself more and more intrigued by the message of the story. Morrie is filled with wisdom and knowledge that he has accumulated over his lifetime. It's as if he's a book just waiting to be read. Morrie drains every last drop of advice to his friend Mitch. If not for these lectures, Mitch would have led a life that is sub-par to his capabilities. I feel that wisdom can be achieved from the elderly in many situations. By the time we're on our deathbed, everyone has something to say about life. Tuesdays with Morrie is a book that captures this concept and leaves the readers re-accessing their lives.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Reading Log 4

I heard some good things about this book so I thought I'd give it a try. I found Tuesdays with Morrie to be an extremely touching story. The narrator, Mitch Alborn was Morrie's former student at Brandeis University. After having abandoned his dreams of becoming a famous musician, he pursues his desire for financial success and material wealth. Morrie was Mitch's favorite professor from Brandeis University. He was diagnosed with ALS, an incurable disease which ravages his body and leaves him intellectually lucid. As Morrie begins to degenerate one day at a time, he keeps his spirits soaring. Each Tuesday, Morrie teaches Mitch how to reassess his life, and to value love over money, and happiness over success.This book touches the reader deep down and really makes one question the fulfillment of their life

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Notes 2 and 3

The Legend of Bagger Vance
In this sequence of The Legend of Bagger Vance, Will Smith plays a mysterious yet wise caddie for Matt Damon. After the great Walter Hagen sends his drive screaming down the fairway, Bobby Jones sets to tee off. Smith encourages Damon to study and analyze Jones' approach to his shot. Jones' relentless focus on his practice swing makes it seem as if he's "searching for something." The harmony of the swing clears his mind of the atmosphere around him, directing all focus to the next shot. As Jones delivers a powerful blow, his ball is flown through the sky and falls to the fairway. While Damon meanders to his ball, he conducts the same focus and attention to his "perfect shot." The surroundings seem to disintegrate from his view as the wind streams over the hills. The melodious music creates a solemn and majestic tone to the atmosphere. The world silences, awaiting the "perfect shot."   

A Step Forward

Tom Rinaldi's essay A Step Forward illustrates the excitement after Tiger Woods' latest victory. The desperation Woods had to win another tournament was unimaginable since he hadn't won in 923 days. Rinaldi stresses that in golf the importance lies on the "next". "The next swing, the next lie, the next read, the next stroke." The repetition of the phrase "the next" emphasizes a golfers need for a short term memory. Tiger's desperate yet confined expression leading up to victory hinted at his longing for the current moment. Woods' continuous ability to strike the accurate shot, eluded to the trust he had built into his swing. The beautiful spring Sunday symbolized what could be the resurrection of the greatest golfer ever lived.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Reading Log 3

The Hunger Games had an ending just as fast as its beginning. By the time I got to the homestretch on this book it was impossible to put it down. The action that the author is able to pack into each and every page astounds me. This was a novel that truly got my heart rate up due to the extensive imagery that made the readers feel like they were actually there. I felt having both Katniss and Peeta winning was a unique twist to the plot. I look forward to reading the next 2 books of this series. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Reading Log 2

Since my last reading log post I've made some promising progress. I keep having that recurring issue with this book, where I start reading and just can't seem to stop. The thrill and excitement that this story has is unmatched by any book I've previously read. I really appreciate the characterization in The Hunger Games. The imagery used to express both major and minor characters gave me a keen visual of each one of them. Descriptions such as "my long tangled braid fell at ease upon my shoulder," really created an image that I could hold on to for the course of the book. The author also had a unique way of building up a particular scene. Specifically in an action scene, through intense language you'd find your heart racing as you read line to line as if you were in the book. The story is able to consume the reader in this way.  Well I'm glad I'm reading this book and look forward to reading more of the series in the future.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Reading Log 1

Just this week I started the infamous book, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I've had this book recommended to me by many people so I thought I'd give it a try. After the first chapter, I knew I had been hooked. This book has had me going to bed much later than I would like because I just can't seem to put it down. I find myself thinking, "oh just one more chapter" until I end up reading into the next day. The fast-pace intensity that The Hunger Games provides practically stimulates your heart rate. The description of the settings and people in the story allow for the reader to develop a truly fascinating visual. Such imagery includes, "Men and women with hunched shoulders, swollen knuckles, many who have long since stopped trying to scrub the coal dust out of their broken nails, the lines of their sunken faces." This quote gives us readers the image of these men and women rambling down into the depths of the coal mines. Details like these really make this book stand out from others I have recently read. So as the plot begins to really escalate I can only look forward to the adventure I am about to embark on.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Reading Goals

1) Read 17 minutes each night
2) Read 3 books by the end of the year
3) Continue reading over Spring Break

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Anthology: Theme Statement

I'm planning on basing my anthology off the game of golf. Golf is much more than just a sport to myself and those who play with the raw passion for the game. Life lessons of patience, perseverance, and dedication are found beneath the membrane of the sport.

I've already brainstormed for ideas of what I could put in my anthology. Instantly one of my favorite movies, The Greatest Game Ever Played came to mind. There's an abundance of literature about the aspects of golf that go beyond the simple swing of the club. I'm anxious to start my exploration into literature and film from the greatest game society has to offer.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Submission # 3

The podcast "Notes on Camp" traces the excitement and life lessons learned at summer camp. For these children camp is the biggest event of the year. From the moment the campers load up in the beat up Town and Country on the final day, emotions come pouring out as the 355 days of restless anxiety begins. Camp is the center of the universe, and a high that these kids can't get enough of.

In Note One: Mr. Popular, the typical strumming of the guitar creates a necessary atmosphere. Mr. Popular refers to David, an extremely well liked counselor. David's life was changed from his experience at camp as a boy, and he's still being effected today as a counselor. David insisted that a "day at camp is like two weeks in real life." He insured that camp was a "time warp" that brings people back to their childish ways.

In Note Six: Color Days, the host witnesses the acclaimed three day event. Color days is a competition that takes place at a rustic camp of Northern Michigan. One of the highest honors these kids can receive is to be named captain of their team. This role is so highly esteemed that campers were able to name previous captains dating back many years ago. The raw emotions that swell out of each and every camper is baffling. Constant chanting and cheering echos through the woods and into the heavens. As one girl put it, "when it comes to Color Days, defeat is not an option."

These two segments of This American Life expose listeners to the innocence of campers. Whether you're the famous and envied David or a fierce competitor of Color Days, there's a place at camp for everyone. The camp atmosphere consists of singing and chanting that brings people out of their shells and into the wilderness of youthfulness. How can camp be so simple and yet so memorable? It's the lessons learned from days at camp that shape kids into better human beings.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Podcast Response: Notes on Camp

The podcast "Notes on Camp" traces the excitement and life lessons learned at summer camp. For these children camp is the biggest event of the year. From the moment the campers load up in the beat up Town and Country on the final day, emotions come pouring out as the 355 days of restless anxiety begins. In Note One: Mr. Popular, David is an extremely well liked counselor. David's life was changed from his experience at camp as a boy, and he's still being effected today as a counselor. David insisted that a "day at camp is like two weeks in real life." He insured that camp was a "time warp" that brings people back to their childish ways.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Submission 2

   The Nürburgring is much more than just a race track. This 16.123 mile haven is the heart and soul of an entire town. If you live here everything revolves around the track. Perhaps one of the greatest annual races takes place on this majestic and cool asphalt. The ADAC Zurich 24h-Rennen is a 24 hour race that doesn't sleep. A team of 4 drivers take 6 hour shifts driving their car through the extremes of this demanding highway. Winning this event is like taking a sip from the fountain of youth, for your name lives in eternity.
   The recaps of previous 24 hour races exploit the drivers will and determination to push themselves over the edge. These events are called Endurance Races for a reason. The pale and desperate faces of the drivers as they step out for the end of their shift, portrays the forces that are put on their bodies at every banking turn. Spectators clutter the track from the green flag in the morning, till the checkered flag at the morrow's breaking dawn. On a hairpin turn, there's a desolate silence until the cars come roaring around its bank, gripping to every last pebble of asphalt. The a feeling of peacefulness at every glance of meandering track coaxes the mind and soul. A sense of elegance and beauty are instilled, a beauty that takes the breath away from the very eye.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Short List #2

 1. The Nürburgring
The Nürburgring is a track located in Nürburg, Germany. This 16.123 mile haven encircles the entirety of the town. If you live here everything revolves around the track. Infamous in the driving world, I discovered this track while surfing through images of my favorite cars. The most famous event that takes place on this track once a year is the ADAC Zurich 24h-Rennen. This is a 24 hour race that takes no breaks. A team of 4 drivers take 6 hour shifts driving their car through the extremes of this tough track. Attending this race just might be something I'll have to add to my bucket list.

2.Bacon Milkshake
 Bacon and milkshakes have always been one of American's favorite foods. This year for a limited time, Jack in the Box came up with the brilliant idea to mix the two favorites. So go and get it because now sold in the Jack in the Box near you is a little bit of heaven. Bacon (good) + milkshake (great) = bacon milkshake (nasty crap)

3. Man wins $50,000 on Tom Brady Safety
With the first score of the Super Bowl being a Giant's safety, one man earned a nice hunk of cash. Jona Rechnitz bet $1,000 on the 2-0 start with a 50-1 odd. Personally I feel the odds should of been much higher and would find the statistics for past safeties in a super bowl to be very enlightening. Jona wasn't complaining and is now probably a big fan of Mr. Brady.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Interpretive Response: 2 Cellos

   When one thinks of a cello, and the music it sings at every stroke of its cords, pop cultural music does not come to mind. Generally the cello is seen playing classics from great composers such as Mozart and Beethoven. However, 2 Cellos is a group that defies everything previously known about the capabilities of this fascinating instrument. They play popular music and apply a surreal twist to songs that have been blessed with immortal popularity.
   The thrashing of the cellists heads as they thrust their emotions into the cello, expresses the raw passion that these men share. As the strings of the bow begin to fray and splinter, the cello screams notes straight into the beating heart. While the music begins to settle and simmer to a calming pace, each gentle stroke of the strings imprints an eternal tattoo on one's very soul. Then the notes start to meander their way into the ear, and the listener is consumed by music that wields the power to heal a broken world.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Short List

1. 2 Cellos. I stumbled across this group when I was surfing through YouTube one day. Instantly I found myself engulfed in one of my latest addictions. Luka Šulić and Stjepan Hauserare are two of the most brilliant musicians I've ever come upon. Using their cellos they play covers of universally popular songs. The unique twist and raw emotion that they show while playing is just surreal. I find the music flowing through my veins like rapids, as they carve there way through the unknown. My two favorites are "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns n Roses and "With or Without You" by U2. Check them out on YouTube.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dead as Dead

From the beginning, Dead Poets Society had a dark and disheartened feel that administered a sense of depression. The sunken faces of the boys who were about to enter the ceremony, resembled both fear and anxiety. It was clear from the start that the tensions were high and the emotions even higher. The dimly lit pews of the sanctuary withheld somber students and parents alike. While the headmaster delivered his speech, he had a sinister smirk that portrayed signs of arrogance. Tears set in among the younger students as they were pulled away from the comforts of their parents. It was clear from the intimidating teachers to the towering buildings, these kids were held to high expectations.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Duo Class Exercise for the painting "#1"

-hint of green
 Value (lightness or darkness of a color)

Claim: In this painting, Jackson Pollock creates a scattered and sharp depiction that has a mysterious, underlying, and demented ambiance to it.

Literacy Narrative

I' don't think I've ever been what you'd call a strenuous reader. However, if I find a book that really connects with me, I can have a hard time putting it down. So when it comes to my reading it's about finding the right book and having the time to engage into the story. With my mom being a first grade teacher, I had a good head start on books. Some of my earliest memories are of my mom reading to me as I drifted of into slumber. Throughout elementary school I feel like I had a stronger drive to read on my own. With the constant class readings and book reports that I've done in both middle school and high school, I feel like I lost some of my passion to read in my free time. I hope that this class can rejuvenate me to enjoy reading like I once had.